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Be ready for Breakfast and After School Club

Your questions answered

We are so excited that your child will be joining one of our Breakfast or After School Clubs.  We offer an exceptional and convenient childcare solution but better still, children love attending our clubs. We have an array of theme-based activities often inspired by the children, as well as sport and craft based activities that the children can choose from.

Our staff are highly experienced in childcare and are qualified, DBS checked and have paediatric first aid training so your children are in good hands. We comply with all OFSTED regulations and all of our clubs are OFSTED Met.

What to expect at club

Your child will be assigned a keyworker on their first day at club and you will be introduced to them. They will be your main point of contact whilst your child is in the club. We promote independence through play, and at club children will have a wide range of activities to choose from including, art & craft, baking activities, reading /homework time, board games, construction activities, sports and free outdoor play.

Meals & Nutrition

At Breakfast Club, children will start the day off on a positive note, with a variety of breakfast options including cereals, toast and fruit juice. At After School Club, children will receive a snack, plus a freshly cooked, nutritious meal with dessert, with dietary requirements catered for. We encourage, and at times, inspire children to try a variety of food they may not have tried before. We find that children are always willing to try food when their friends also give it a shot. If your child has any dietary requirements or allergies, these must be added to your registration records online and regularly checked. We also ask that children DO NOT bring snacks or sweets to the club. We operate a nut free environment, so please do not bring any products containing nuts. The menu is available upon request.

What should my child bring?

At our clubs, we like to spend time outdoors all year round (weather permitting). Please ensure your child has a warm and waterproof coat, hat and gloves as required for the colder weather, and sun hats in summer. You may wish to supply spare clothes in particular socks, please note these cannot be held at the club, they will need to come with your child each day.

Medication & Illness

If your child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea then you are not allowed to attend the club for at least 48 hours since the last bout of illness. All medication must be in a clearly labelled bag, be in date and it must have the child’s name and dosage on it from the pharmacist. We will not be able to give a child medication that is not labelled for them and we must have consent to administer the medication. Should your child have medication, please speak with the Manager of the club or Head Office whereby a consent for medication form will be given to the parent/guardian to complete. Only once we have this can we administer the medication. If your child requires an Epi-Pen, we must be given one for the site to keep at all times. all medication is to be collected at the end of term and checked though the holiday period and given back on the 1st day of term.

Booking extra sessions

If you need to book an extra session on top of your regular booking, please email to check if we have availability. If approved, you will be charged for this extra session on your next invoice. These sessions are subject to availability. If you choose to cancel your extra session, we require 7 days notice, or charges will apply.

Dropping Off and Collecting your Child

We have two Breakfast Clubs and three After School Clubs. Below are some instructions on where to drop off or collect your child. For Breakfast Club, children can be dropped off from 7:30am. For After School Club, children must be collected by 6:15pm or late collection fees will apply (£5 per 15 minutes). Click on Furze Platt and St Peter’s Church for a map of the site.

Dropping Off and Collecting your Child

Behaviour Management

Wise Owls Club has a clear, consistent and positive approach to behaviour management that is known by all our staff. We aim to include both parents/carers and children in the continued development of this and encourage them to raise any concerns or suggestions. Should there be an incident of poor behaviour this will be recorded on an incident form and will be relayed to the parents. If there is continuous poor behaviour the Club Manager will liaise with Head Office who will contact parents to inform them along with working together to improve behaviour. Exclusion is the last resort, however, if this was necessary Wise Owls will follow our terms and conditions. Our Terms and Conditions state that “The club reserves the right to withdraw its services if The Clients child is disruptive and/or aggressive in such a manner as to pose a safety risk to the other children at The Club. A verbal warning will be given to the Client and if matters do not improve, The Club will demand the immediate removal of the child. The deposit will not be refunded.” Click below to read the policy.

Special Education Needs

Wise Owls needs to be informed if a child has specific needs and this needs to be detailed on their registration form online. If your child has an EHCP plan or is going through the process of being diagnosed the details and the plan need to be provided to the Club Manager. If your child has specific needs, we require you to book a show around to come and see the environment with your child and meet with the Manager to discuss your child before placing a booking with us. The Manager will observe and see if we can cater for your child’s needs, if your child does require a one-to-one staff member we will only be able to provide this if there is extra funding from the Local Borough or if the parent pays the additional costs.

Amendments & Cancellations

We require 6-weeks notice in writing to to cancel or amend all or part of your booking. If you are looking to add an additional day to your permanent booking, these are subject to availability. Your booking will continue into the next academic year unless you have given 6 weeks notice, and charges will apply. If you wish to report your child absent, you must report non-attendance directly to your child’s club. Do not message head office as these messages will not be passed along and this is a safeguarding issue.


You will receive your invoice before the start of each half term and this must be paid before your care commences. We charge per session for the sessions your child is booked in for. We charge for inset days and bank holidays. If you have any queries, please contact us at

Who should I contact?

If you have any questions about your booking, please email If you want to report your child absent, or other communications such as lost property, please message your club on the below contacts. Breakfast Club numbers will be in operation during 7.30am-9.00am and After School Club numbers will be in operation between 2.30pm (Oldfield from 2:45pm) and 6.15pm. You can send a text message or WhatsApp message outside of these hours but you will only receive a response within these times. If you wish to report your child absent, you must report non-attendance directly to your child’s club. Do not message head office as these messages will not be passed along and this is a safeguarding issue. If you have any issues at the club, please speak to your key worker or the club manager first. If you would like to report an incident at one of our clubs, please email

Courthouse Breakfast and After School Club

If you have any questions about your booking, please email If you want to report your child absent, or other communications such as lost property, please message Courthouse Breakfast or After School Club on 07798 872990.

St Peter’s Breakfast Club

If you have any questions about your booking, please email If you want to report your child absent, or other communications such as lost property, please message St Peter’s Breakfast Club on 07708 577873.

Furze Platt After School Club

If you have any questions about your booking, please email If you want to report your child absent, or other communications such as lost property, please message Furze Platt After School Club on 07935 211471. .

Oldfield After School Club

If you have any questions about your booking, please email If you want to report your child absent, or other communications such as lost property, please message Oldfield After School Club on 07724 641090.